A Body full of Light #Poetry


… you feel
the gentle wind 
caressing your skin.

No thoughts,
No worries,
Just being aware,

“just” pure joy.

The pleasure of feeling the air gently touching every inch of your body.
You become aware,
You notice,
You realise...

You understand it all 
in this moment
In this the body,
the Wind,
on your skin…

In this wink, 
there is nothing more you need.

No thoughts 
No doubts 
Just being present. 

“Just” pure awareness. 

Finding joy in observing,
Observing how it feels to feel.

You are your own whiteness
Witnessing how Joy is feeling...

No need to do anything,

Just be still...

Can you IMAGINE?


The Spiral of Healing… and why such challenging moments recur.


Easy is right