The Spiral of Healing… and why such challenging moments recur.

Healing trauma isn’t linear; it unfolds in a spiral process.

Again and again 



And again… 

Until our bodies trust

Until our system shifts from “alert” to “relax"
The moment of wounding is an invitation to faith and love.

Next time, we have a new chance to explore the same moment in a new approach to that turn...
These moments keep coming back.

Inviting us again.
Trust more.
Relax more.
Learn to create differently.
Let's embrace these moments with love and compassion, rather than frustration.

Frustration prevents us from growing. Excitement helps us feel joy, healing the part that needs time, love, and attention.

In my sessions, I witness these spirals multiple times. Even in one session, those moments keep recurring. With me as a guide and witness, my client's body can learn from these moments, trust more, and heal the wound with patience and time.

Embracing trust, compassion, and patience during challenging, painful, and intense moments can lead to bliss, joy, and inner peace.

A body full of light. #ABodyFullOfLight




Soap Bubbles - A Moment of Joy and the Quiet Voice of Conditioning


A Body full of Light #Poetry